Monday, May 6, 2019

Welcome to the Test Kitchen

Welcome to my Test Kitchen. My plant-based, gluten-free Test Kitchen. This is where I come up with some wild and fabulous idea, and then make it a reality. Or some pretty boring idea, and make it a reality.

Like on Pie Day/Pi Day, we decided spur of the moment to create some naughty little custard tarts, and then had the fun challenge of coming up with a gluten-free crust and a plant-based custard that would be JUST WHAT WE NEEDED, in all the gloriously nerdy sense of the word.

And sometimes I am simply in search of something wholesome to stuff into my kid's lunchbox that doesn't have nuts, won't spike his blood sugar, and absolutely will be yummy. Lunchbox Cookies to the rescue.

Sometimes my ideas launch efforts that succeed tremendously. Those will be the ones I share here. Sometimes my efforts are dismal failures. I may not choose to share those.

My reason for doing this is I have always created recipes to fill a need I have, instead of seeking out someone else's recipe. Why? I don't know. Possibly stubbornness. Possibly imaginative creativity. Possibly I don't follow recipes well. I also hate reading manuals. For me, creating recipes is among my favourite things to do. When a recipe I develop is a wild success, it is so satisfying. And when they are too good to keep to myself, I love giving other people the joy of my creations, so I thought I'd share them here, in case the recipes can fill a niche need for someone else too. If you try them, let me know what you think. If you share them, please let people know I invented them.

Thank you so much for reading and checking out my quirky Test Kitchen. I'm really glad you are here.

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